Redmine plugins: Hooking anywhere in views

State of the hook union

If you're a hobbyist Redmine plugin developer, chances are you already have used hooks (documentation) quite extensively. There are 2 types of hooks in Redmine, which share some common characteristics but are also fundamentally different :

Both are needed in plugins. Without them, the only way to change behaviour in plugins would be, respectively :

While I don't have anything against monkey-patching itself in some particular cases, it turns out it has some downsides. The following problems for controller hooks have their equivalent for view hooks:

The point is, controller hooks are great and needed. But on the view side, in most cases you will want to modify a Redmine view just a few lines before or after the existing hook. Or maybe there won't be any hook in the file and you'll go the "full overriding" way. Or maybe you will file an issue on, requesting a new view hook, which you'll probably never get because it doesn't make sense (core developers are too busy fixing important bugs and implementing nice features). And even if you did, you won't get anything in your current, stable version.

I hope we will agree that the idea that there could be an explicit hook before and after any HTML tag in all Redmine views is stupid. There has to be a better way!

A new hope

Spree is an open-source e-commerce engine, and it's built from scratch to be very modular and extensible. The smart guys who develop it designed a pretty elegant solution to the view hook problem: they built deface, a gem that gives you the ability to declare modifications you wish to see in your partials (technically this is called a Deface::Override), and those modifications are applied when the partial is rendered, by targetting a specific place in your ERB view while it's being rendered with a CSS or XPath selector.

A Deface::Override looks like this:
  :virtual_path  => "issues/new",
  :name          => "add-warning-for-beginners",
  :insert_before => "h1",
  :text          => %(<div class=warning>Beware you're submitting an issue
                      on the production instance !</div>)

You need 5 things when you define a Deface::Override :

The piece of code above does what you already guessed: it inserts above each h1 title the text when rendering the issues/new partial.

And it doesn't need any modification in the partial itself, pretty cool heh? It works as long as you can reach a specific part of the partial with a CSS selector or an XPath selector.

So how does it integrate with Redmine?

Using deface in a Redmine plugin

The first obvious step to using deface in your Redmine plugin is to include the gem. If you have total control over the Redmine instance (which means you accept to include code outside your plugin), you can use the Gemfile.local file in the root of your instance. If you don't want to pollute your Redmine core instance (which I advise), or if you want to be able to distribute your plugin, you can put a Gemfile at the root of your plugin and Redmine will automatically evaluate it when booting.

gem 'deface'

There's a slight limitation to that approach: bundler does not support multiple, contradictory definitions for the same gem, e.g. you can't have two different Gemfiles requesting the same gem with different constraints. If you do so, you will get a warning like this:

You cannot specify the same gem twice with different version requirements.
You specified: deface (>= 0) and deface (= 0.9.0)

That's why I recommend not precising the version of deface in your plugin's Gemfile, unless you are sure your users won't include an other plugin with a different constraint for this gem. There is a bundler issue for this but it has been closed for now as there doesn't seem to be many people who want multiple constraints on the same gem.

So, the gem is loaded.

Now you want it to find the overrides you define. It happens that deface searchs its overrides in app/overrides in the core and in potential Rails engines used by the application. By default Redmine plugins are not standard Rails engines, so you will have to manually include those paths at boot time. Put the following lines in your plugin's init.rb:

Rails.application.paths["app/overrides"] ||= []
Rails.application.paths["app/overrides"] << File.expand_path("../app/overrides", __FILE__)

Basically this adds your plugin's app/overrides directory to Rails' search paths for deface overrides, creating it first if needed. As simple as that.

Of course you will need to repeat those two steps (the Gemfile and the app/overrides in init.rb) in every plugin where you want to use deface, so that they stay independent from each other.

Well, if you want to ease this process a little bit, I created a plugin called redmine_base_deface which does exactly that: it ensures that deface is properly integrated within your Redmine instance.

Some limitations

First, deface relies on the nokogiri gem : it parses the pseudo-code generated by ERB during the partial evaluation, and it expects it to be valid in an HTML or XML sense. So an imaginary partial like this one wouldn't work well with deface:

<%= "<div>" %>

Actually, it's precompiled as something like this:

<code erb-loud>"<div>"</code>

And nokogiri cannot parse it correctly, resulting in errors when trying to deface it. In my experience this is not the case of the majority of partials in Redmine core, I only found this case once in app/views/layouts/base.html.erb but it has been solved for a while.

Second, there may be parts of your partial you cannot reach through Nokogiri's augmented CSS selectors or XPath selectors. But this is fairly rare and if you're really stuck, you can always add the content elsewhere and move at load time through Javascript.


I think Deface is a really nifty idea, it makes hooking anywhere in your ERB views really easy and the Redmine integration is pretty straightforward when you get used to it.

Deface options are well documented in its README on GitHub, so we won't cover everything here and I encourage you to explore this if you want to make your Redmine plugins even more awesome!